Schedule a Tutoring Appointment
The Tutoring Center offers tutoring by appointment in most academic subject areas. You can view our tutors’ availability and schedule a tutoring appointment by clicking on the button below.
Before making an appointment, please note our scheduling policies:
- Self-scheduling– Students may self-schedule up to two tutoring appointments per course per week up to fourteen (14) days in advance. If available, students may schedule additional appointments with approval from a Tutoring Center Administrator.
- Canceling an appointment– Students are asked to cancel an appointment at least 24 hours in advance. Appointments can be canceled on the TracCloud scheduling system by clicking the x next to the appointment listing. If you need to cancel on the same day of your appointment due to extenuating circumstances, please contact the Tutoring Center at 401-865-2855.
- Same-day cancellations– Students who cancel more than two (2) tutoring appointments on the same day of their scheduled appointment will lose access to the self-scheduling system until they meet with a Tutoring Center Administrator.
- Missed appointments– Students who miss more than two (2) tutoring appointments without canceling will lose access to the self-scheduling system until they meet with a Tutoring Center Administrator.
- Weekly appointments- Students may schedule reoccurring appointments in three-week increments. Please note our policies for missed appointments and same-day cancellations. Violating either policy will result in the termination of the weekly appointment. Students will then be invited to self- schedule from week to week.
Christie Family Tutoring Center
Phillips Memorial Library, Second Floor
Academic Support Services
Phillips Memorial Library, Room 250