Tutoring Frequently Asked Questions
What if I need to cancel a tutoring appointment?
We ask that students cancel their appointments at least 24 hours in advance. Appointments can be canceled online by logging onto the TracCloud scheduling system and clicking the x next to the appointment listing. If you need to cancel on the same day of your appointment due to extenuating circumstances, please contact the Tutoring Center at 401-865-2855. For more information about our scheduling policies, please visit our appointment scheduling web page.
How far in advance should I make an appointment?
Appointments book up quickly so we recommend making an appointment as soon as possible. Students can schedule appointments up to fourteen days in advance.
Can I schedule a same-day appointment?
While do not offer same-day appointments, drop-in tutoring is available for select courses and can be viewed on the TracCloud scheduling system. Appointments book up quickly, so we recommend making an appointment as soon as possible.
How can I prepare for my tutoring session?
There are a few steps you can take to make the most of your tutoring appointment:
Gather course materials (text, class notes, syllabus, etc.)
Review your notes and attempt any homework assignments prior to the session
Attend class and take notes- providing information about class notes and lectures helps your tutor to support you
Still looking for answers? Email us your questions and we’ll respond within two business days.

Christie Family Tutoring Center
Phillips Memorial Library, Second Floor
Academic Support Services
Phillips Memorial Library, Room 250