Advising Reorganization Policy/Procedure Changes
This guide was created to provide faculty and staff a ready reference for policy and procedure changes that have emerged from the College’s academic advising reorganization. If you have questions about any of these changes, please feel free to contact the Student Success Center at (401) 865-2495. The guide will be updated to reflect future changes.
For your reference in navigating this page:
- DOUGS = Dean of Undergraduate and Graduate Studies
- SSC = Student Success Center
Absence Notifications to Faculty
Beginning in Fall 2022: The SSC will notify faculty when students miss classes as a result of extenuating circumstances (e.g., serious, prolonged or sudden illness, death in the family, traveling to represent the College, etc.).
Please note that for routine absences, such as those resulting from cold or flu, students are responsible for notifying their instructors and for making up any missed assignments or assessments.
Prior to Fall 2022: DOUGS would notify faculty when students missed classes as a result of extenuating circumstances (e.g., serious, prolonged or sudden illness, death in the family, traveling to represent the College, etc.).
Academic Advising for Double/Triple Majors
Beginning Fall 2022: The SSC will coordinate academic advising for double/triple majors with the schools and academic departments.
Prior to Fall 2022: Faculty advisors in the schools and academic departments provided all advising for double/triple majors.
Academic Advising for Incoming Transfers
Beginning in Fall 2022: The SSC will provide initial academic advising support to all incoming transfer students; faculty will provide advising support to transfers once they have fully matriculated.
Prior to Fall 2022: The Director of Academic Advising (in DOUGS) was responsible for initial registration and worked with academic departments to coordinate advising for all incoming transfer students.
Academic Advising for Students Returning from a Leave of Absence (LOA)
Beginning in Fall 2022: The SSC will communicate with students who are on a leave of absence to coordinate registration for the coming semester. The SSC will notify both the student and faculty advisor of the student’s registration status and revised academic standing. Faculty advisors will assume responsibility for advising upon students’ return.
Prior to Fall 2022: DOUGS would provide guidance and academic advising to returning LOAs in conjunction with faculty advisors.
Academic Standing/Status Decisions
Beginning in Fall 2022: The Associate Provost for Academic Policy and Mission Support will chair the Committee on Academic Status, which will make decisions regarding changes in academic status (e.g., permission to accelerate progress to degree) and appeals of dismissal. The SSC will work with the Registrar to make determinations around academic standing (i.e., probation/dismissal). The SSC will coordinate all communication for students who are dismissed or on probation. Students on academic probation will be required to meet with an academic coach in the Student Success Center.
Prior to Fall 2022: The Assistant to the Provost chaired the Committee on Academic Status, which made decisions regarding changes in academic status (e.g., permission to accelerate progress to degree) and appeals of dismissal. DOUGS worked with the Registrar to make determinations around academic standing (i.e., probation/dismissal). DOUGS coordinated all communication and support for students who were dismissed or on probation. Students on academic probation were required to meet with the Office of Academic Services.
Add/Drop Process
- Beginning in Fall 2022:
- Through the end of week one, students could add an open class or drop a class on Cyberfriar.
- In the second week of classes, students can drop a class on Cyberfriar as long as it does not put them below twelve (12) credits.
- To add a class from the second week on, students are required to get the instructor’s and chair’s or program director’s signature to add an open class or to over-enroll in one.
- Beginning with the third week of classes, any late adds will also require a signature from the SSC. Students are still subject to a $150.00 late fee.
- Prior to Fall 2022:
- Through the end of week one, students could add an open class or drop a class on Cyberfriar.
- In the second week of classes, students could only drop a class on Cyberfriar.
- To add a class from the second week on, students were required to get the instructor’s and chair’s or program director’s signature to add an open class or to over-enroll in one.
- Beginning with the third week of classes, any late adds also required a class dean signature from DOUGS, and students were subject to a $150.00 late fee.
Change of Grade Process
Beginning in Fall 2022: School advising designees will manage the change of grade process with faculty (except in cases of missed “I” deadlines) and review the rationale before forwarding the change to the Registrar for processing. The SSC will monitor the impact of grade changes on academic standing and scholarships.
Prior to Fall 2022: DOUGS processed all grade changes and monitored any impact on academic standing and scholarships.
Course Audit Election
Beginning in Fall 2022: Faculty members will continue to approve requests on a space available basis. The SSC will assist with advising and registration.
Prior to Fall 2022: Faculty members would approve audit requests on a space available basis. DOUGS would assist with advising and registration.
Course Exceptions/Substitutions (Core Curriculum)
Beginning in Fall 2022: All core exceptions will be negotiated by the student, the Arts and Sciences advising dean (for core curriculum compliance), and the Core Curriculum Committee by way of the chair. The Arts and Sciences advising dean will enact approved exceptions in Degree Works.
Prior to Fall 2022: Core curriculum exceptions, generally occurring in the senior year, were negotiated by the Senior Associate Dean of Undergraduate & Graduate Studies, the student, and the Core Curriculum Committee by way of the chair.
Course Exceptions/Substitutions (Major/Minor)
Beginning in Fall 2022: All major/minor curriculum exceptions continue to be the purview of department chairs/program directors. However, major/minor exceptions will be approved by the appropriate school advising designee. The school advising designee will be empowered to enact curriculum exceptions in DegreeWorks.
Prior to Fall 2022: All major/minor curriculum exceptions (i.e., course substitutions) were submitted by department chairs/directors and then approved by the class deans in DOUGS.
Beginning in Fall 2022: The department chair or program director will submit a request to the school advising designee for approval. Once approved, the school advising designee will notify the Registrar.
Prior to Fall 2022:
Dean’s List
Beginning in Fall 2022: This process will be managed by the SSC and the Office of the Registrar. The SSC will send the Dean’s List communication to students.
Prior to Fall 2022: This process was managed by DOUGS and the Office of the Registrar. DOUGS would send the Dean’s List list communication to students.
Graduate Course Approval
Beginning in Fall 2022: The school designee (i.e., the “home” of graduate course) will manage this process, based on enrollment/course availability, with the understanding that graduate courses will “sit” on a student’s UG record until after degree conferral. Only seniors are allowed to take graduate-level courses. Approval to take graduate courses should be prior to start of the term, with limited exceptions. The College will continue to follow the graduate non-matriculation status policy, which allows up to two courses outside of a designated graduate certificate.
Prior to Fall 2022:
Incomplete Grade Monitoring
Beginning in Fall 2022: The Registrar will run reports of incomplete grades and send initial reminders to students, instructors, faculty advisors, and school advising designees. The SSC will then monitor students with incomplete grades and provide appropriate reminders and follow-up.
Prior to Fall 2022: DOUGS managed incomplete grade communication, incomplete grade contracts, and incomplete grade changes.
Over-Enrollment Process
Beginning in Fall 2022: Academic departments will continue to manage the over-enrollment process, but the SSC, as part of the overall advising communication plan, will outline the steps for over-enrollment by school/department on the Academic Advising website.
Prior to Fall 2022: Over-enrollment was managed by academic departments.
Pass/Fail Process
Beginning in Fall 2022: The SSC will conduct an initial review of all requests for the pass/fail option (using DegreeWorks) and, as needed, request assistance from the schools for courses that may be potential degree requirements. Students may request the pass/fail option by filling out the SSC’s online Pass/Fail Grade Option Form.
Prior to Fall 2022: DOUGS would review all requests for the pass/fail option to ensure compliance with College policy.
Registration for a Sixth Course
Beginning in Fall 2022: The Registrar will raise credit allowances for all UG students on the first Friday in December for spring registration and the first Friday in August for fall registration. The Director of Advising in the SSC will communicate this process to students, and the SSC will provide support to students as necessary.
Prior to Fall 2022: The Registrar raised credit allowances for all UG students on the first Friday in December for spring registration and the first Friday in August for fall registration. The Director of Advising in DOUGS communicated this process to students, and DOUGS provided support to students as necessary.
Repeat Course Advising
Beginning in Fall 2022: The SSC will manage the repeat course process and consult with the student’s faculty advisor on an as-needed basis. The SSC will notify the Registrar when students are planning to repeat courses. If any seniors are engaged in repeats, the SSC will notify the appropriate school advising designee.
Prior to Fall 2022:
Reporting Unexcused Class Absenteeism
Beginning in Fall 2022: Chronic unexcused absenteeism can be reported to the SSC by way of the SSC’s online Academic Referral Form or a phone call to x2495.
Prior to Fall 2022: Faculty would report chronic unexcused absenteeism to DOUGS.
Roster Verification
Beginning in Fall 2022: The Registrar will now facilitate course roster verification with faculty (e.g., checking enrollment, dropping students).
Prior to Fall 2022: The Director of Advising in DOUGS was responsible for roster verification at the beginning of each semester.
SCE Course Equivalency Process
Beginning in Fall 2022: The UG/SCE course equivalency process and database for approved courses will be managed by the Registrar’s Office.
Prior to Fall 2022: The UG/SCE course equivalency process and database of approved courses was managed by DOUGS.
Scholarship Review
Beginning in Fall 2022: The SSC will manage the scholarship review process, using tools and processes developed by DOUGS. The SSC will collaborate with the Financial Aid Office on communications to students.
Prior to Fall 2022: DOUGS managed the scholarship review process.
Withdrawal from Individual Courses
Beginning in Fall 2022: The SSC will approve course withdrawals, using an approval checklist, and notify the Registrar. Faculty will still need to sign off on withdrawals as part of the approval process.
Prior to Fall 2022: DOUGS provided final approval for all requests for course withdrawals.
Withdrawal from the College
Beginning in Fall 2022: When possible, students who plan to withdraw from the College should meet with a member of the SSC staff for a consultation/exit interview. Students can initiate the withdrawal process by completing the College’s Voluntary Withdrawal Form.
Prior to Fall 2022: When possible, students who planned to withdraw from the College would meet with a member of the DOUGS staff for a consultation/exit interview.
Student Success Center
Phillips Memorial Library, 2nd Floor
(401) 865-2495